XR Designer

Deep Wonder App

Deep Wonder


Target Platform | Mobile (Android & iOS)

Client | PearlDamour

Project | Deep wonder is an educational AR application that brings fascinating life forms in the deep sea that would otherwise be difficult to see in real life into our surrounding environment. The app is featured during the intermission of the Ocean Filibuster production.

Role | Designer, 3D Artist, Developer (Solo Project)

  • Designed entire app

  • Used Void AR SDK for AR functionality

  • Modeled and textured Yeti crabs

  • Animated Yeti crabs and fish movement

  • Optimized and re-topologized whalefall model and hydrothermal vents (provided by Harvard University Girguis Lab)

  • Sourced and implemented other 3D assets

  • Set-up touch interactions

  • Published to Google Play and Apple App Stores

Screen Recordings


Deep Wonder is a companion AR app for the production of Ocean Filibuster which premiered in February 2022 at the American Repertory Theatre in Cambridge, MA. The app is featured during the interactive intermission.